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The Nobel University Athletics Compliance Office is charged with the duty of maintaining institutional control over its athletics programs in order to ensure its athletics programs are operating in a manner that is consistent with both the letter and spirit of NCCAA, SWS Conference, and Nobel University rules and regulations.

Primary Functions of Nobel University Athletics Compliance

  • Provide instruction regarding NCCAA and SWS Conference rules and regulations to Nobel University coaches, administrators, student-athletes, prospective student-athletes, and boosters and to ensure these groups are aware of Nobel University's expectations in terms of remaining compliant with these various rules and regulations.

  • Provide guidance to Nobel University coaches, administrators, student-athletes, prospective student-athletes, and boosters by providing accurate interpretations of NCCAA and SWS Conference rules and assisting these groups in remaining compliant.

  • Monitor activities, such as; recruiting, eligibility certification, tuition, amateurism, benefits, playing and practice season limitations, etc. to ensure compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.

  • Investigate and report any major or secondary NCCAA, SWS Conference, or University rules violations in a timely manner.

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